Flink 1.9.1的报错信息,在启动flink on yran的时候出现问题

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Flink 1.9.1的报错信息,在启动flink on yran的时候出现问题


[root@node01 flink-1.9.1]# bin/flink run -m yarn-cluster -yn 2
2020-09-06 14:30:00,803 INFO  org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.RMProxy                        
- Connecting to ResourceManager at /
2020-09-06 14:30:00,938 INFO  org.apache.flink.yarn.cli.FlinkYarnSessionCli                
- No path for the flink jar passed. Using the location of class
org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnClusterDescriptor to locate the jar
2020-09-06 14:30:00,938 INFO  org.apache.flink.yarn.cli.FlinkYarnSessionCli                
- No path for the flink jar passed. Using the location of class
org.apache.flink.yarn.YarnClusterDescriptor to locate the jar
2020-09-06 14:30:00,947 INFO  org.apache.flink.yarn.cli.FlinkYarnSessionCli                
- The argument yn is deprecated in will be ignored.
2020-09-06 14:30:00,947 INFO  org.apache.flink.yarn.cli.FlinkYarnSessionCli                
- The argument yn is deprecated in will be ignored.
2020-09-06 14:30:01,105 INFO  org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration                        
- resource-types.xml not found
2020-09-06 14:30:01,105 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.ResourceUtils            - Unable to
find 'resource-types.xml'.
2020-09-06 14:30:01,136 INFO
org.apache.flink.yarn.AbstractYarnClusterDescriptor           - Cluster
specification: ClusterSpecification{masterMemoryMB=1024,
taskManagerMemoryMB=1024, numberTaskManagers=2, slotsPerTaskManager=2}
2020-09-06 14:30:01,193 WARN
org.apache.flink.yarn.AbstractYarnClusterDescriptor           - The file
system scheme is 'file'. This indicates that the specified Hadoop
configuration path is wrong and the system is using the default Hadoop
configuration values.The Flink YARN client needs to store its files in a
distributed file system
2020-09-06 14:30:01,196 WARN
org.apache.flink.yarn.AbstractYarnClusterDescriptor           - The
configuration directory ('/export/servers/flink-1.9.1/conf') contains both
LOG4J and Logback configuration files. Please delete or rename one of them.
2020-09-06 14:30:01,600 INFO
org.apache.flink.yarn.AbstractYarnClusterDescriptor           - Submitting
application master application_1599371603539_0004
2020-09-06 14:30:01,635 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.api.impl.YarnClientImpl         - Submitted
application application_1599371603539_0004
2020-09-06 14:30:01,635 INFO
org.apache.flink.yarn.AbstractYarnClusterDescriptor           - Waiting for
the cluster to be allocated
2020-09-06 14:30:01,644 INFO
org.apache.flink.yarn.AbstractYarnClusterDescriptor           - Deploying
cluster, current state ACCEPTED

 The program finished with the following exception:

org.apache.flink.client.deployment.ClusterDeploymentException: Couldn't
deploy Yarn session cluster
        at org.apache.flink.client.cli.CliFrontend.runProgram(CliFrontend.java:251)
        at org.apache.flink.client.cli.CliFrontend.run(CliFrontend.java:205)
        at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
        at javax.security.auth.Subject.doAs(Subject.java:422)
        at org.apache.flink.client.cli.CliFrontend.main(CliFrontend.java:1083)
Caused by:
The YARN application unexpectedly switched to state FAILED during
Diagnostics from YARN: Application application_1599371603539_0004 failed 2
times due to AM Container for appattempt_1599371603539_0004_000002 exited
with  exitCode: 1
For more detailed output, check application tracking
click on links to logs of each attempt.
Diagnostics: Exception from container-launch.
Container id: container_1599371603539_0004_02_000001
Exit code: 1
Stack trace: ExitCodeException exitCode=1:
        at org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell.runCommand(Shell.java:585)
        at org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell.run(Shell.java:482)
        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

Container exited with a non-zero exit code 1
Failing this attempt. Failing the application.
If log aggregation is enabled on your cluster, use this command to further
investigate the issue:
yarn logs -applicationId application_1599371603539_0004
        ... 9 more
2020-09-06 14:30:06,357 INFO
org.apache.flink.yarn.AbstractYarnClusterDescriptor           - Cancelling
deployment from Deployment Failure Hook
2020-09-06 14:30:06,357 INFO
org.apache.flink.yarn.AbstractYarnClusterDescriptor           - Killing YARN
2020-09-06 14:30:06,378 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null. Trying
to failover immediately.
2020-09-06 14:30:06,382 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after 1
failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 27593ms.
2020-09-06 14:30:33,977 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after 2
failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 39571ms.
2020-09-06 14:31:13,549 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after 3
failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 26075ms.
2020-09-06 14:31:39,626 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after 4
failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 38795ms.
2020-09-06 14:32:18,421 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after 5
failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 15929ms.
2020-09-06 14:32:34,352 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after 6
failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 29440ms.
2020-09-06 14:33:03,793 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after 7
failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 19292ms.
2020-09-06 14:33:23,087 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after 8
failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 32326ms.
2020-09-06 14:33:55,414 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after 9
failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 17965ms.
2020-09-06 14:34:13,380 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
10 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 35364ms.
2020-09-06 14:34:48,745 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
11 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 39776ms.
2020-09-06 14:35:28,521 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
12 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 26108ms.
2020-09-06 14:35:54,630 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
13 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 36729ms.
2020-09-06 14:36:31,360 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
14 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 31045ms.
2020-09-06 14:37:02,408 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
15 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 41007ms.
2020-09-06 14:37:43,417 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
16 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 40389ms.
2020-09-06 14:38:23,807 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
17 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 20316ms.
2020-09-06 14:38:44,123 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
18 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 27372ms.
2020-09-06 14:39:11,496 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
19 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 28079ms.
2020-09-06 14:39:39,577 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
20 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 15147ms.
2020-09-06 14:39:54,725 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
21 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 21075ms.
2020-09-06 14:40:15,801 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
22 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 23639ms.
2020-09-06 14:40:39,440 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
23 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 19239ms.
2020-09-06 14:40:58,681 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
24 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 44361ms.
2020-09-06 14:41:43,043 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
25 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 20559ms.
2020-09-06 14:42:03,603 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
26 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 33476ms.
2020-09-06 14:42:37,080 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
27 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 26350ms.
2020-09-06 14:43:03,431 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
28 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 28673ms.
2020-09-06 14:43:32,106 INFO
org.apache.hadoop.io.retry.RetryInvocationHandler             -
java.io.IOException: The client is stopped, while invoking
ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.forceKillApplication over null after
29 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 39931ms.
2020-09-06 14:44:12,038 INFO
org.apache.flink.yarn.AbstractYarnClusterDescriptor           - Deleting
files in file:/root/.flink/application_1599371603539_0004.

在查看了  yarn logs -applicationId application_1599371603539_0004后的报错信息

Container: container_1599371603539_0004_02_000001 on node01_35016
Log Upload Time:星期日 九月 06 14:30:07 +0800 2020
Log Contents:
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in
SLF4J: Found binding in
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
End of LogType:jobmanager.err

Log Upload Time:星期日 九月 06 14:30:07 +0800 2020
Log Contents:
End of LogType:jobmanager.out

我想请问一下 我是哪里出现了问题  Hadoop是2.7.7的

Sent from: http://apache-flink.147419.n8.nabble.com/