Flink CEP 支持Pattern以贪婪量词结尾吗?

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Flink CEP 支持Pattern以贪婪量词结尾吗?


"PATTERN(e1 e2+)  WITHIN INTERVAL '10' minute " +         //定义两个事件,e1和e2   WITHIN INTERVAL '10' MINUTE
"DEFINE " +   //-定义在PATTERN中出现的变量的具体含义。
"e1 as e1.name = 'Tom'," + //--事件⼀的action标记为tom
"e2 as e2.name = 'Tom' and e2.location1 <> e1.location1" +  //事件⼆的action标记为Tom,且事件⼀和事件⼆的location不⼀致。

运行抛出错误:Exception in thread "main" org.apache.flink.table.api.TableException: Greedy quantifiers are not allowed as the last element of a Pattern yet. Finish your pattern with either a simple variable or reluctant quantifier.
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