In the future,the community plans to extend its functionality by providing a REST-based SQL

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In the future,the community plans to extend its functionality by providing a REST-based SQL

Limitations & Future
The current SQL Client only supports embedded mode. In the future, the community plans to extend its functionality by providing a REST-based SQL Client Gateway, see more in FLIP-24 and FLIP-91.

你好 在官方文档上看到了。请问这个还在计划中。是一种rest sql web客户端吗?
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Re: In the future,the community plans to extend its functionality by providing a REST-based SQL

目前社区的flink-sql-client module的确只支持embedded
mode,目前一个client对应一个session以及executor来提交管理sql job,
session相关代码在module的gateway目录下。这块的方向应该是会将gateway 发展成一个独立的restful web
service(任务网关), 本质是一个session manager, serve多个client的sql statement请求.
从我的理解看,client的gateway mode,应该是会先启动内置的gateway service,然后client向gateway提交请求。
Sql gateway:
jdbc driver:  (jdbc <-> rest
http request)

air23 <[hidden email]> 于2020年8月6日周四 下午3:19写道:

> Limitations & Future
> The current SQL Client only supports embedded mode. In the future, the
> community plans to extend its functionality by providing a REST-based SQL
> Client Gateway, see more in FLIP-24 and FLIP-91.
> 你好 在官方文档上看到了。请问这个还在计划中。是一种rest sql web客户端吗?


*With kind regards
Sebastian Liu 刘洋
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Science
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