Most of the people who own reborn dolls are collectors

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Most of the people who own reborn dolls are collectors

Most of the people who own these dolls are collectors. But for some, Jonderko said, the dolls appear to provide a therapeutic benefit. She started her photo project “Reborn” to focus on this powerful emotional response.One of her subjects, Katarzyna, got her first doll after suffering a miscarriage.In total, she has spent more than $1000 on more than 10 kits. Each kit, which she bought online, comes with a head, a pair of hands and a pair of legs.“Although she had four other children and of course loves them, she had this emptiness inside,” Jonderko recalled. “She said she was supposed to leave the hospital with a baby in her hands. She started browsing through the internet, looking for ways to deal with this loss, and she found the dolls. And that's how her doll became a part of the family.”
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