Reborn doll collectors look after each other's dolls

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Reborn doll collectors look after each other's dolls

The new Apple TV+ series Servant serves up a much less oblique indictment of reborn collectors’ psychological states. In it, a couple take in a doll they name Jericho and treat as a human baby, replete with a mysterious live-in nanny. Turns out – spoiler alert – that the couple is mourning the recent death of their actual baby (also named Jericho), and the doll is the bereft mother’s only guard against a grief-induced state of catatonia.
Though the fake baby trope is wildly misleading, it’s true that reborn collectors don’t see their reborns as merely toys. Most, says St Hilaire, echo Eldred’s emotional attachment to their dolls. St Hilaire describes this dynamic as “a kind of synthetic relationship”.
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