The development of the art of reborn dolls

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The development of the art of reborn dolls

While early ’90s reborns were mostly the work of artists like Marks, the early 2000s saw doll companies start to take a deeper interest in the market. Companies like Paradise Galleries, for example, shifted from including reborns in their collectible-doll catalogue to making them the core of their business — somewhat to the resentment of dedicated artists, who see their work as one-of-a-kind, and the companies’ products as mass-produced dolls. In general, these dolls often boast higher-tech features and a lower price tag. Reborns sold by Paradise Galleries, for example, feature baby-powder-scented “skin” and are weighted with a bean bag “for a more realistic baby feel.” Another company, Ashton-Drake Galleries, sells animatronic reborns that simulate breathing, cooing, and a heartbeat. On average, manufactured dolls tend to run from $50 to $150, quite a bit less than many artisan-made dolls.
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