The difference between the reborn doll

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The difference between the reborn doll

Unlike with a real baby, a reborn doll comes with no real-world mess — no diapers, no smells, no feeding, no crying. These babies, unlike real ones, do not grow up into toddlers. And as soon as the toddler toddles away, there’s a whole different psychic dynamic. You now have a creature growing, changing, moving toward independence. It will, clearly, need you less and less. Entwined with a reborn doll baby is the knowledge it will never grow up, never leave you, never disappoint you, never say ‘I hate you!” It will never be a complex being unto itself. In that way, you, the "mother," will never experience loss.
There’s something else about babies. For many women, whether or not they want children, a baby personifies their genital prowess. It symbolizes their femininity and female power.
Browse our collection ofBrowse our collection of reborn doll clothes , including our popular Reborn Doll girls and customer-favorite Reborn Doll boys ! Cheap reborn doll for sale or home reborn doll.