我用的是 Beam 2.23.0, with flink runner 1.8.2. 想要实验启动checkpoint 和 Beam KafkaIO EOS(exactly once semantics) 以后,添加或删除source/sink operator 然后从savepoint恢复作业的情况。我是在电脑上run kafka 和 flink cluster (1 job manager, 1 task manager)
1. 在SAVEPOINT 后,添加一个source topic
在savepoint之前: read from input1 and write to output
Take a savepoint
在savepoint之后: read from input1 and input2 and write to output
情况: output 中没有输出input2的数据
2. 在SAVEPOINT 后 去掉一个source topic
在savepoint之前: read from input1 and input2 and write to output
Take a savepoint
在savepoint之后: read from input1 and write to output
情况: 可以正常运行,output只会有input1的数据
3. 在SAVEPOINT 后,添加一个sink topic
在savepoint之前: read from input1 and write to output1
Take a savepoint
在savepoint之后: read from input1 and write to output1 and output2
情况: pipeline failed with exception
4. 在SAVEPOINT 后 去掉一个sink topic
在savepoint之前: read from input1 and write to output1 and output2
Take a savepoint
在savepoint之后: read from input1 and write to output1
情况: It requires to change the sinkGroupId, otherwise get exception
看起来是改动SOURCE或者SINK以后,基本上不太能从SAVEPOINT恢复作业。想请教这是Flink预期的结果吗,还是有可能因为Beam KafkaIO Exactly Once 的实现方式造成的,亦或是我配置的问题?