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Re: Flink On K8s, build docker image very slowly, is there some way to make it faster?

Posted by Xintong Song on Dec 23, 2019; 7:08am
URL: http://apache-flink.370.s1.nabble.com/Flink-On-K8s-build-docker-image-very-slowly-is-there-some-way-to-make-it-faster-tp1297p1298.html

Hi Lake,

Usually building a docker image should not take much time (typically less
than 2 minutes).

It is probably the network issue that causes the long time for image
building. Of course we will need more information (e.g., logs) to confirm
that, but according to our experience pulling the base image (based on
which the Flink on K8s image will be built) from DockerHub could take quite
some time from mainland China (where I assume you are since you're also
writing to user-zh).

If this is indeed the case that you met, you can try to modify the
"flink-container/docker/Dockerfile", change the line "FROM
openjdk:8-jre-alpine" to point to a domestic or local image source.

Thank you~

Xintong Song

On Mon, Dec 23, 2019 at 2:46 PM LakeShen <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi community , when I run the flink task on k8s , the first thing is that
> to build the flink task jar to
> Docker Image . I find that It would spend much time to build docker image.
> Is there some way to makr it faster.
> Thank your replay.