Re: [ANNOUNCE] Dian Fu becomes a Flink committer
Posted by
Jeff Zhang on
Jan 16, 2020; 10:00am
Congrats Dian Fu !
jincheng sun <
[hidden email]> 于2020年1月16日周四 下午5:58写道:
> Hi everyone,
> I'm very happy to announce that Dian accepted the offer of the Flink PMC
> to become a committer of the Flink project.
> Dian Fu has been contributing to Flink for many years. Dian Fu played an
> essential role in PyFlink/CEP/SQL/Table API modules. Dian Fu has
> contributed several major features, reported and fixed many bugs, spent a
> lot of time reviewing pull requests and also frequently helping out on the
> user mailing lists and check/vote the release.
> Please join in me congratulating Dian for becoming a Flink committer !
> Best,
> Jincheng(on behalf of the Flink PMC)
Best Regards
Jeff Zhang