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Question regarding checkpoint/savepoint and State Processor API

Posted by Eleanore Jin on Jan 21, 2020; 12:07am
URL: http://apache-flink.370.s1.nabble.com/Question-regarding-checkpoint-savepoint-and-State-Processor-API-tp1623.html

Hi there,

1. in my job, I have a broadcast stream, initially there is no savepoint
can be used as bootstrap values for the broadcast stream states.
  BootstrapTransformation transform =

Savepoint.create(new MemoryStateBackend(), BROADCAST_PARALLELISM)
    .withOperator(OPERATOR_UID, transform)

Question: bootstrapWith(dataSet) is required, normally, the dataSet comes
from the old savepoint, in this case, I dont have one, how should I deal
with it? Or it is must required?

2. As messages coming through broadcast stream, the state gets updated

3. I would like to periodically save the broadcast state to a file via
Savepoint.create(new MemoryStateBackend(), BROADCAST_PARALLELISM)
.withOperator(OPERATOR_UID, transform)

4. when the job gets cancelled, and next time when re-start the job, the
broadcast initial state can be loaded from the previous savepoint.

ExistingSavepoint existingSavepoint = Savepoint.load(environment,
new MemoryStateBackend());

dataSet = existingSavepoint.readBroadcastState(OPERATOR_UID,

Question: now assume I got the old state as dataSet, how can I use it
in the BroadcastProcessFunction as the initial state of the broadcast

Thanks a lot for the help!
