Posted by
OpenInx on
Nov 04, 2019; 10:01am
I met the same problem before. After some digging, I find that the idea
will detect the JDK version
and choose whether to use the jdk11 option to run the flink maven building.
if you are in jdk11 env, then
it will add the option --add-exports when maven building in IDEA.
For my case, I was in IntelliJIdea2019.2 which depends on the jdk11, and
once I re-import the flink
modules then the IDEA will add the --add-exports flag even if I removed
all the flags in .idea/compile.xml
explicitly. I noticed that the Intellij's JDK affected the flink maven
building, so I turned to use the Intellij with JDK8
bundled, then the problem was gone.
You can verify it, and if it's really the same. can just replace your IDEA
with the pkg suffix with "with bundled JBR 8" in
here [1].
Say if you are using MacOS, then should download the package "2019.2.4 for
macOS with bundled JBR 8 (dmg)"
Hope it works for you
[1]. Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 5:44 PM Till Rohrmann <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Try to reimport that maven project. This should resolve this issue.
> Cheers,
> Till
> On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 10:34 AM 刘建刚 <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> > Hi, I am using flink 1.9 in idea. But when I run a unit test in
> idea.
> > The idea reports the following error:"Error:java: 无效的标记:
> > --add-exports=java.base/".
> > Everything is ok when I use flink 1.6. I am using jdk 1.8. Is it
> > related to the java version?
> >